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  • 2023年10月12日 (木) 21:14 なうぞめ トーク 投稿記録 がページ「利用者:FaustinoHailey」を削除しました (スパム: 内容:「Growing up near the shore, the pulsating surf was the soundtrack to my first memories. Surfing is not only a pastime for me, [https://gopro.kr:55388/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=61239 like it]'s a way of life. Surfing gives me an indescribable sense of happiness and freedom. If I'm not riding my board, you'll find my playing extreme beach volleyball unde…」、投稿者は「FaustinoHailey」のみ (トーク))

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